I married a women from the Dominican Republic. We have two children now (16) and (20). Beautiful kiddos. Genetics are weird because my son looks Dominicanish....curly hair, latte skin dark brown eyes but my daughter turned out looking like a she came from Bavaria; wavy blonde hair, blue eyes and light skin.
My son did get race flak in 9th grade from race curious students: "What are you?" or "What you be? light skin black, puerto rican, dark mexican...." (his first name was Miguel with an Irish last name). intrestingly the questions came mostly from african american students and some hispanics.
I really bugged him because he'd never been questioned like that before. After months of ignoring the questions... he replied, 'I'm american." Simutaneously he grew really big and by the 10th grade, I guess people were intimdated by his size or just gave up trying to pigeon hole him.
My daughter (la blanca) got flak in her native spanish speakers class in 9th and 10th because she spoke, read AND wrote spanish perfectly. ...better than almost all the students who were born in Mex or were Mex-Amer...She was called "puta gringa" and all sorts of other crap....They just couldn;t stand the fact that a light sknned hispanic was more literate than they were. INterestingly, the monolingual central american kids never messed with her....in fact they befriended her and humbly asked for help with the AP classwork.
She stood up to them but her responses never ended up in blows...(the teacher turned a blind eye to all of it)
Point is, people of all races talk crap when they feel fear. Being mixed race IS survivable and we shouldn't allow race haters dictate who couples with who.