I teach in an inner city high school and amd one of only 5–6 teachers that are white and my boss is Asian. The school is 100% non-white with kiddos coming from all over the 3rd world. I’ve been working in the same place for 24 years so I’m used to being int the minority. I conmsider being in this position a gift that has been on of the most instructive experiences of my life. I wouldn’t trade it for anything.
I made a conscious effort to sit at tables where I would be the only white person in order to feel what it would be like to be “the only one.” I knew all the teachers and always had good relationships with them but when I sat at ““their table” I felt some tension but it subsided after a while and I was integrated into the converation. Years later, I still make an effort to sit at the place where I will not be with people of my own skin color to keep mself honest and conscious.
I just got a small taste of what african americans must feel all the time when goign in all places dominated by white people.