I'd ask the same question, "Whats wrong with white folks.".
What is true is that blacks commit more violent crime than whites....proportionally and I believe and in real numbers.
That does not mean blacks are more violent it just means blacks have been historically pushed into an economic corner by whites and this is the wreckage from the past in the present...pure and simple.
Generally whites don't car jack , do drive bys , form violent street gangs, and all the other stuff we see in Houston, Chicago and New Orleans because we have more to lose. Threre's simply no need for it.
We're mostly employed and there's no reason to fight over drug turf if you already have a job and there are not systemic barriers to entering "the system>."
We're not inherintly more peaceful people or less prone to violence (history confirms this) ...whites have just created a system where we are one top and everyone on the bottom has to claw thier way up....and those that can't/or choose not to claw thier way to the top, turn to crime.