My son has a Dominican mother and I am white….he is therefore mixed race and thats how people (black, white and hispanic) see him. He’s commonly asked by kids in his high school: what are you? light skin black? Cuban? Mexican? all sorts of stupid stuff…he hates it. It comes from all corners.
I’m not trying to be facetious, start a debate, anger anyone or even counter anything said in the article, I’m wondering if this article applies to him at all. I love dogs…I don’t let them lick me but ours does jump up in bed sometimes….his mother dislikes dogs and prefers ours to be outside. I get it, she comes from a country where strays have disease and most people don’t have the excess funds to care for pets like we so lavishly do here.
Most importantly, his range of friends are literally from all ethnic and racial backgrounds and yes, he loves dogs too. I dont own a gun nor my son BUT, I have no doubt he’d do everything in his power to free one of his black friends from an attacking dog including killing it…..I would not hesitate to shot the dog….I wouldn’t give a shit what people say.
I’ve seen very few articles on this web site that deal with mixed race kiddos and their unique experience living in the US….usually it’s adults making assumptions about their experiences navigating the racist society we live in.