Very eye opening but not surprising. The only correction would be to not assign racism just to whites.
At the school I work at, there are kids from all over the world (recently arrived refugees/immigrants). I hear and see all sorts of subtle and not so subltle comments about people of color.
Afghans using the "N" word for blacks, hispanic kids refusing to sit next to kids from south asia because they "stink" (yes, they use the spanish word for stink). Hondurans not considering Garifunas (black hondurans "real hondurans". Mestizos making ethnic jokes about mayan speaking kids. If a gay or transgender kid comes in....well, the comments and eye rolloing crank up.
This doesn't happen all at once of course but throughout the year. And of course, I correct and call out their racist remarks/behavior whenever it comes up
What I've learned is that all humans have an insatiable need to feel better or superior than others and they can find any reason to feel that way....yes, even marginalized people.
Thanks for your great article and reminding me of my unearned/undeserved privilege. paz