White people where I live in Texas have coded language and gestures as well. It's not for survival rather as a marker to indicate membership in their socio/political-economic group.
I was never cognizant of it until living overseas for years then returning...it was glaringly evident.
Men: a back slap + holding the person shoulder (no hugging) ...joking about UT or Texas A&M football.
Asking about son's and daughter's progress through above mentioned schools or graduate school....and the excellent post grad job opportunities.
Discussion and joking about recent hunting trip + hunting rifle talk. Questions about ski or summer vacations in colorado.
Church talk: Where do you worship these days? (everyone is Christian/protestant)
Talk of the economy....silent disapproving headshaking If there's democratic president regardess if economy is good or not). Smiles and positive nods if the president is Republican.
I grew up in this circle and was around it until I couldn't stand it anymore...and went my own way.
All groups/sub groups have their coded language/gesturing whether they realize it or not. The article about was pretty good....learned something from it. peace